Thursday, December 4, 2008


"The Sly Show" is the most irreverent, unpredictable, and insane talk show - ever. Sly is the Hip Hop Howard Stern; dropping bombs like Funkmaster Flex and calling everybody (and their mama) out like Wendy Williams on a bad day. Add a little Andy Milonakis-style hilarity, mix in Sly's unmistakable voice; and you get the loud-mouthed, prank-callin', dozens-playing obnoxious shock jock of the century - SLY.

The Sly Show streams 24 hour music and Sly is on air LIVE Monday-Friday 11AM to 4PM PST.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jessica Alba is a mom

Jessica Alba gave birth late Saturday night to a baby girl, now named Honor Marie Warren, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sharon Stone is reallly sorry.

Yesterday Sharon Stone issued a second apology after her remarks last week when she wondered aloud if the earthquake in China that has left almost 90,000 dead or missing may have been karma because the Chinese government is mean to the Dali Lama.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Linda Hogan has a 19-year-old boyfriend - that looks like her son

Linda Hogan decided to one-up the Hulk by dating someone who not only looks like her child - but is practically the same age. In your face, brotha! Linda brought her suitor, 19-year-old Charlie, to the opening of the Palm Place Spa & Hotel where the Simpsons were also partying. Apparently, it was "Dysfunctional Celebrity Families Teetering towards Irrelevancy Night."

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mariah Carey is really really good at throwing

Mariah Carey threw out the opening pitch at the Yomiuri Giants vs Rakuten Eagles match at the Tokyo Dome yesterday, and let's just say it was the most impressive display of baseball I've ever seen in my life. Lord knows why she became a singer and not a professional pitcher. Seriously though, you'd think she would've prepared a little before showing up. It's like instead of practicing throwing balls, she decided to just break both her arms to make sure they wouldn't function correctly. She could've dropped the ball and sort of nudged it with her foot and it would've been just as impressive.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Patrick Swayze road-housin' pancreatic cancer

At the beginning of March, reports were circulating that Patrick Swayze only had five weeks to live. Well, over two months later, and using the same pic, I'm happy to post that Patrick is putting cancer's ass in the corner and responding well to treatment. Hopefully he'll be well enough to ghost ride the whip again. WE LOVE YOU PATRICK! =]

Saturday, May 24, 2008


After spending some jail time for DUI charges, one would think Miss Paris Hilton's career would go down hill but....WRONG! Her line of clothing was introduced right after her released from jail, followed by her new Can Can fragrance and now Clipin-Go hair extenstions products!! Shall we refer Paris as the "hairess, instead of heiress?" Agree?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heidi & Spencer ruin baseball for all future generations

Jesus! I thought these two only came out on holidays. Great, now it looks like Heidi and Spencer will mug like retarded sea-monkeys at any event. Even more disturbing is that it appears to be Bat Day and yet somehow they walked out with all their hair, teeth and limbs attached. I gotta ask: Dodger fans, why do you hate America so much? THAT'S WHY EVERYONE SHOULD BE SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS FANS. GO GIANTS! =]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Guys, Brace Yourself- Jessica Alba is Officially off the Market

It has been a rough couple of weeks for males; first Scarlett Johansson announces her engagement and now Ms. Alba is also off the market. Jessica's publicist officially confirmed today that she and her longtime boyfriend, Cash Warren, were married on Monday. The couple are expecting their first child, rumored to be a girl, early this summer. If it is any consolation to all of those heartbroken guys out there, Lindsay Lohan is still single, so there is still some hope after all.

Heidi & Spencer tip like A-holes? Say it's not so!

So, apparently over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Douchenozzle, Heidi and Spencer, went out to eat and racked up a $783 bill. Common courtesy dictates that they should've tipped anywhere between $120 to $150. Spencer dropped 16 bucks. Watch out, everybody! High roller, comin' through!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tony Romo Can't Sing

So, apparently Tony Romo is musically challenged. Maybe he's been taking lessons from Jessica. Take a look:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jennifer Aniston in a bikini cupcaking with John Mayer

Here's photographic proof that John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston are, indeed, romantically involved. Nobody knows how the guy does it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Amy Winehouse arrested again, world record in sight

Amy Winehouse has been arrested again making it the 2,567th time this month. This time it's for the video of Amy smoking crack and downing six Valium. Turns out that's illegal. Who knew?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If you don't think chipmunks can sing, well, BELEIVE it! Watch the video below for your amusement =)

Monday, May 5, 2008

OMG! 'American Idol' losing younger viewers

According to May 4, 2008 MSNBC news, young viewers for American Idol are decreasing from last year. Some people said that it is completely repetitive, and favors the dance contest Dancing with Stars. What do you think the future of this show will be? Do you feel it is repetitive?

Britney Spears attends Jamie Lynn's baby shower

Britney Spears returned to her hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana to attend Jamie Lynn's baby shower this weekend. Relatives say Britney took to her old banjo like a cousin taking his mother in a haystack.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

David Blaine holds his breath for 17 minutes, breaks world record

David Blaine broke the Guiness World Record yesterday for holding one's breath. David held his breath underwater for 17 minutes 4 seconds. That's pretty amazing.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How old is Your Heart?

What everyday habits are aging your heart? Watch the Video by clicking the title

Paula gets confused on Idol (surprise, surprise)

Last night on American Idol the format was slightly changed. Instead of critiquing the contestants after each song, the judges were to take notes and and offer quick, individual critques after each performance (the conestants each performed twice last night). Paula, as usual, got confused and gave Jason Castro feedback on both of his songs, even though he had only performed one of them at the time. She claimed Jason's second song felt "empty." Could it possibly be because he had yet to sing it? Luckily Seacrest, being the smooth talker that he is, was able to save Paula from further humiliation by making a witty remark about her "seeing into the future" and keeping things moving on the show.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Where'd the fat go?

Obese inmate Broderick Lloyd Laswell isn't happy with the service he's getting at the Bentonville County Jail in Arkansas. Honestly, how do they expect the former 408lbs. murderer to stay in shape, apparently a spherical one, if they only provide a diet of about 3,000 calories a day? It's insane! Talk about cruel and unusual punishment, ey? Yup, and after losing 100lbs. Mr. Laswell has filed a suit against the jail.

Seriously though, there should be a law against sueing people/organizations for stupid reasons. What a waste of time and money!

Miley Cyrus will appear on the cover of the latest Vanity Fair set to hit newsstands later this week. She posed for a, what she now calls "racy", shoot with legendary photographer Annie Liebovitz. Miley is worried the shots will alienate fans and issued an apology.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Is it me or does Mary-Kate Olsen need to hire a stylist? I'M SPEECHLESS. Comment away people!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh Baby, Amy!

Kids...please, oh please, stay away from drugs...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How many birthday parties does Victoria Beckham need?!?

So last week was Victoria Beckham’s 34 birthday, but in fact, it was a whole weekend of celebration. First, it was dinner at Pink Taco (wassup with all of these weird restaurant names in Hollywood?!?) with Eva Longoria. Then, a day later, another expensive birthday bash at Via Veneto in Santa Monica with A-list celebrities like Tom & Katie Cruise, Gwen Stefani, and the list goes on. May I mention the bill for a party at Via Veneto rung up in the 5-6 digits range?!?!?! Gosh, rich people just don’t know how to spend $$$. I wonder when the Beckhams have time for their kids. It seems they are out and about every night looking for Hollywood hot spots ::shrugs::

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Patriots Try To Trademark What?

When you think of the Patriots, what do you think of? Do you think of 19-0? Do you think of the team with the “Perfect Season”? Well, unless you live in New England the answer is probably NO! Sorry New Englanders. The truth is it wasn’t a perfect season. The Patriots cheated, and they still lost. We all celebrated. Get over it. So, there’s no need for the Patriots to trademark “19-0 The Perfect Season”, just like there was no need to tape the defensive signals of their opponents. Nope. They’re just trying to cover over the fact that they are, well, LOSERS. Maybe instead they should trademark the phrase “We Cheat and Still Get Beat”? I’d definitely sport that. Woo hoo.

To sum it all up, we thought you all might appreciate this lovely video:

Monday, April 21, 2008

After dominating the feud news with her former best friend Nicole Richie, Fox quickly cancelled the fourth season of The Simple Life. A reminder, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were childhood friends when the two starred in The Simple Life. Now, Paris Hilton is excited with her new reality show “I wanna be Paris Hilton’s new best friend”. I suppose this is an innovative way for celebrities to find a confidante. It shouldn’t be a shock to anybody for girls that are thin, plastic, and talentless to show up for try-out. Simply put, to win the title as “Paris Hilton’s new best friend” you need to be one of three things: C.A.D (Charging Account Disease), makeup fanatic, and know designers' name like 1+1=2. Yes, money can buy everything, including a best friend.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

With the U.S. economy tumbling down it is understandable that there will be budget cuts around the country. Here in California we see it all the time. Just a few months ago Governor Schwarzenegger proposed additional budget cuts for our educational system. Parents shouldn’t panic, though. While the governor isn’t planning on opening an Arnold Schwarzenegger Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, he is looking towards the future. On Friday, April 11, 2008, Governor Swartzenegger proposed a $7 billion dollar plan to improve health care for California’s finest, the inmates. This would include the construction of new prison hospitals and mental health centers and improvements to the current facilities. This five year project will most likely gain the approval of Californians, especially parents. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple. Due to the lack of educational opportunities here in California it is safe to assume that the children of today will be the criminals of tomorrow. Therefore, by improving the inmate care at various correctional facilities, the governor is preparing for the future well being of our children. Thank goodness!!