Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Paula gets confused on Idol (surprise, surprise)

Last night on American Idol the format was slightly changed. Instead of critiquing the contestants after each song, the judges were to take notes and and offer quick, individual critques after each performance (the conestants each performed twice last night). Paula, as usual, got confused and gave Jason Castro feedback on both of his songs, even though he had only performed one of them at the time. She claimed Jason's second song felt "empty." Could it possibly be because he had yet to sing it? Luckily Seacrest, being the smooth talker that he is, was able to save Paula from further humiliation by making a witty remark about her "seeing into the future" and keeping things moving on the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why everyone should say "no" to drugs! LoL