Monday, April 21, 2008

After dominating the feud news with her former best friend Nicole Richie, Fox quickly cancelled the fourth season of The Simple Life. A reminder, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were childhood friends when the two starred in The Simple Life. Now, Paris Hilton is excited with her new reality show “I wanna be Paris Hilton’s new best friend”. I suppose this is an innovative way for celebrities to find a confidante. It shouldn’t be a shock to anybody for girls that are thin, plastic, and talentless to show up for try-out. Simply put, to win the title as “Paris Hilton’s new best friend” you need to be one of three things: C.A.D (Charging Account Disease), makeup fanatic, and know designers' name like 1+1=2. Yes, money can buy everything, including a best friend.


Meenal said...

Hmm.. Interesting !!
" When Money talks why argue ! " saying holds very true in today's materialistic world.

Bij said...

this show better come out soon. it will be my new hobby. j/k

Anonymous said...

I agree. Money can buy you anything and popularity can get you power. I am saddened by the fact that girls are starving themselves to look like their "idol." Be it Paris or any other celebrity in her caliber, young girls are highly influenced. Real influential women like Rosa Parks, Mother Theresa, and Eleanor Roosevelt are no longer that standards to look up to. How are their accomplishments overpowered by Paris'...singing? Acting? Fashion? I guess I'll never know.

Anonymous said...

screw you guys paris hilton is okay looking alrite?

Anonymous said...

Tom off of myspace, who said anything about the way she looks? If you read the article, you would know that it says NOTHING about the way she looks. It speaks about Paris trying to find a best friend through a television show.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea? well krazy you must be hella blind cuz in the blog it says "thin and plastic" WHAT IS THAT FOOL? APPEARANCE SO SCREW YOU TOO=) have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Actually, that part you quoted was referring to girls that would try out for the show, not Paris Hilton. Here is the whole quote for you: "It shouldn’t be a shock to anybody for girls that are thin, plastic, and talentless to show up for try-out." See how it is not referring to Paris Hilton? Maybe you do, maybe you do not. I do not know what level it is you read at. My comment refers to there being NOTHING in the article about Paris Hilton's appearance. I will have a nice day today, thank you.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... i have to give you props on that one krazy=) good analysis on the whle quote=)umm.... that is good you had a good day=) umm... see you in class! BEEZY!!