Thursday, April 24, 2008

How many birthday parties does Victoria Beckham need?!?

So last week was Victoria Beckham’s 34 birthday, but in fact, it was a whole weekend of celebration. First, it was dinner at Pink Taco (wassup with all of these weird restaurant names in Hollywood?!?) with Eva Longoria. Then, a day later, another expensive birthday bash at Via Veneto in Santa Monica with A-list celebrities like Tom & Katie Cruise, Gwen Stefani, and the list goes on. May I mention the bill for a party at Via Veneto rung up in the 5-6 digits range?!?!?! Gosh, rich people just don’t know how to spend $$$. I wonder when the Beckhams have time for their kids. It seems they are out and about every night looking for Hollywood hot spots ::shrugs::


Anonymous said...

beck's hot but he sound like a little girl...

Anonymous said...

I think that Victoria Beckham should be able to go to whatever party she wants to. Also, I think that people shouldn't care what she does with her life. Especially people that don't even know her personally.

billy beltran said...

last year i celebrated my berfday for a whole week.....that was a rough week