Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Patriots Try To Trademark What?

When you think of the Patriots, what do you think of? Do you think of 19-0? Do you think of the team with the “Perfect Season”? Well, unless you live in New England the answer is probably NO! Sorry New Englanders. The truth is it wasn’t a perfect season. The Patriots cheated, and they still lost. We all celebrated. Get over it. So, there’s no need for the Patriots to trademark “19-0 The Perfect Season”, just like there was no need to tape the defensive signals of their opponents. Nope. They’re just trying to cover over the fact that they are, well, LOSERS. Maybe instead they should trademark the phrase “We Cheat and Still Get Beat”? I’d definitely sport that. Woo hoo.

To sum it all up, we thought you all might appreciate this lovely video:


Anonymous said...

I don't like Tom Brady because he's a womanizer and he was to successful. Ha! Turns out he only won because he cheated. Maybe they should put a asterisk on his trophies. okay. bye. have fun in the sun now!

billy beltran said...

YES, patriots hella cheated, i would've been soooo angry if they had won the superbowl, good thing they didn't and i had a fun, drunken sunday.

Anonymous said...

I'm still upset the Cowboys lost to the Giants :-( But nevertheless happy the Pats lost becasue I heard they were cheating and its nice to see a team not dominate but really work hard and have heart in competition.

Keep the posts going on NFL talk...

Anonymous said...

“We Cheat and Still Get Beat", haha I love it. Patriots don't suck because they made it to the superbowl, but I still don't like them. GO 49ERS!

Anonymous said...

It's good the Cowboys lost to the Giants, because if they won the superbowl then they would have won more superbowls then the 49ers, and we don't want that happening.

Anonymous said...

Well as a football maniac i have a whole lot of crap to say!!!(maybe ill just say a couple of senteces but what the hell ya koe?) okay the only props ill give the patriots is that tom brady has a victorias secret model girlfriend... to bad shes PREGNANT!!!!!!! FREAKIN A MAN!!! SHE LOOKED PRETTY GOOD TOO!!!!!! BUT NEVER MIND THAT..... now ELI MANNING IS RETARTED THAT HE GOT MARRIED!!!! THAT WOMEN OF HIS IS GONNA SCREW HIM UP!!! oh oh nevermind that back to the patriots..... WHAT HAPPENED TO ONE OF THE BEST OFFENSIVE LINES IN THE NFL? TOM BRADY GOT HIS NUTS SACKED BOUT 10 TIMES THAT NIGHT!!!! and what happened to the comeback huh? YEAH THATS RIGHT!!!!!! THEY DIDNT HAVE ANYONE TO TELL THEM WHAT PLAYS THE GIANTS WERE GONNA RUN!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHA THE PATRIOTS SHUD BE STRIPPED OF THEIR SUPER BOWLS or like anonymous said THEY SHOULD PUT A ASTERISK ON THEIR TROPHIES!!!! the partiots didnt win those..... THE GUY WHO WAS TAPING THE SIGNALS FOR THEM DID!! (CAN I GET AN AMEN ON THAT ONE) HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA but DAVID TYREE'S CATCH OH MY GOD!! holy crap that catch was the FREAKING BEST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ON HIS HELMET!!!! TAKE THAT RANDY MOSS!! where were you? IN THE DUST FOOO!!!!!! ALL THOSE 49ERS RECORDS BROKEN FOR WHAT? FOR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST THEY WON THE SUPER BOWL WHEN THEY MADE THOSE RECORDS!!!!! and at least they won FAIRLY!!!!!!! hmm... what other crap can i say? ummm..................... NOTHING ALRITES... gooo nite!!

Anonymous said...

i hate the cheating patriots. every sport in the U.S. has an east coast bias anyways

Anonymous said...

i hate the patriots. every sport has an east coast bias. boo for the east coast

Anonymous said...

I loved it when Brady got sacked multiple times. I'm glad they went home crying and that Belliwuss ran off the field away from it all, just because he couldn't handle the loss.

So long, farewal, auf wiedersehen goodbye!! Bye Patriots!
Nahnahnahnah....nahnahnahnah... HEY HEY HEY goodbyeeee